mandag 6. april 2015

Illustration Photo

Well, I kind of got the idea when I was taking to a friend of mine that was telling me all the different things she wanted to do to her body to make it the way she wanted it to be, not to mention all my friends that had already done some cosmic stuff to make them selves look better (perfect?). And it just ticked me off, so here is my take on how stupid society can be sometimes.

*Im not completely satisfied with the light, I kind of wanted it to be glamour lighting but I could only find one light in the house.
** For those of you that saw the photoshoot of the 3 girlfriends with the same approach, I just wanted to let you know that I shot my idea before they published theirs.

18.0 mm
ISO: 3200

2 kommentarer:

  1. I like it a lot. Very good idea, and the picture tells a great story.

  2. Powerful and courageous.
